Monday, September 10, 2007

Me too, me too!

I ran into a message thread where people were writing "Fifty Word Flash Fiction." Basically, the idea was to tell a story in exactly 50 words - no more, no less. Thinking it sounded like fun, I finally decided to participate. Here's a couple of what'll be my submissions:

He held a magazine over his head, the only shelter from the driving rain. As he hurried on, he struggled to remember what it was his mother had told him - then it hit him. As the darkness began to engulf him, he remembered: "look both ways before crossing the street."

"The Day"
Tears welled up in her deep blue eyes - she knew this time would come. Her voice trembled with emotion. "Always and forever." She stifled a sob and tore her eyes away from his perfect face, looking down. Her hands shook. The ring fit perfectly. She had never been so happy.

My shrill scream sunders the night. I'm cold, wet. What's happened to me? The peace and serenity - the warmth I once felt is ripped from me as I'm plunged into searing white light. I open my eyes on a new world and see my mother for the very first time.

The night was cold and dark. The glow of the cigarette cast eerie shadows across Detective Jablonski's face, a stolid statue against the twinkling city lights. Suddenly, his world was torn apart. The very universe seemed to rend and crumble. It was all too cliched, even for this struggling writer.

Sweat poured down Ray's face. The leathery, cracked, toothless face looked at him expectantly - all business. "Well?" His breath was hot and dank. Ray knew he had to make a decision. His fist clenched tighter. He slammed his hand down on the counter, releasing the change within. "Cherry Slurpee, please!"

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