Friday, November 16, 2007

It's just sad, is what it is.

Sony is finally getting some love for the PS3 since their price drop. I like seeing this, because I like that there will be more Blu-ray players in people's living rooms. (Can you guess which side of the HD format war I'm on?)

It's just sad, though, because the Xbox360 is still the better game machine. Well, apart from the fact that their life expectancy is probably around 20 hours or so. But what's sad is that there are still only a small smattering of good games for the PS3. I just picked up Ratchet y Clank Future: ToD from Blockbuster last night, and it's good. It's not great though. I think some might see it as such when compared to what else is out there. I certainly wouldn't buy a PS3 just to play it, though.

The 360 though, now there are some good games. And solid controllers. A buddy of mine prefers Sony's controllers, but after a good bit of playing around, I'm fairly certain the dead area on the analog sticks on the PS3 controllers is huge compared to the 360's offering. I just feel like I have more control with the 360 than I do with the PS3. My gameplay would probably indicate as much, as well.

Anyway. Nice to see some more PS3 systems being pushed out. While stand-alone HD-DVD players are still dramatically cheaper than Blu-ray players, it's nice to know that the Blu-ray format is still running strong. Am I a Sony fanboy? Hardly. I still prefer the 360. I think Blu-ray is the actual, superior technology, and hey, I got one free with my PS3 purchase. I don't want to buy another HD player to catch the "other" titles. Unfortunately, in this case the "other" titles include anything from Paramount. Idiots.

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