Well work on the Bandit is about done. No, I guess that's not really accurate. My work on the Bandit is about done. Last night I put some Sea Foam through the carbs, and changed the spark plugs. Today I'll get a few gallons of gas and fill the tank and add the rest of the Sea Foam to it. Then, hopefully it'll have degunked enough of the carbs to call it good. I'm really not relishing the idea of having to remove the carbs and taken them down and hand-clean them. In fact, I'm avoiding it at all costs. Still, I have the mats, and I have the tools, so if it comes to it...
I noticed this morning that my "lucky" bamboo took a turn for the worst in the past couple days. I'm rather surprised by this, as it's been doing positively stellar the past couple weeks. Noticeable growth. I'm thinking that's what's hurting it. It's choking itself out on the root level. I've moved it to a (temporary) new container, but will have to take a jaunt down to Lowe's today and get some new potting soil, as well as a new permanent home. I question it's enough to save the bamboo, as one of the stalks has already turned yellow itself. Which is crazy, because I only just noticed that the leaves had even begun to droop. I guess when it happens, it happens fast. Hang in there, little guy!
Urgh. Still need to take the DR650 in to the dealer for it's first service. Bums me out not being able to ride it. Just haven't coordinated getting someone to pick me up. Thought about doing the dumb service myself, but I don't want them giving me any flack if there are warranty issues.
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