Thursday, February 11, 2010

In search of well-being.

I've been doing a lot of thinking about ways to improve my life lately. And, I don't just mean... well, I don't know what I don't mean. What I do mean is thinking a lot about things that could stand some improvement. Things I could focus on. Things that would help me become more of who I'd like to be.

I've always had aspirations. And I know I go through my cycles where I will make a flash-in-the-pan effort to improve something or try something differently. I thought it would be good to sit down and break down the major areas (that I see) that can always be improved upon.

They are: mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, environmental, financial. One could almost combine mental and emotional, but I think it's one thing to keep a sharp mind and another to be happy. I think that these are major components in achieving an overall sense of well-being. And I think that they're something that most people (myself especially) can improve on. I don't mean that strictly as a "I need to do this" thing, either. I mean it is within most people's means to improve in those areas, regardless of their current station in life.

Time-permitting, I'd like to hit on each of those ideals over the coming days. I'm mostly doing this to allow a little introspection into my own life. Hopefully as I discover ways to improve my own well-being, you'll find something that will bolster yours, as well. Won't you join me on my journey?

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