So, in the classic shaving world there's this thing called "superlather" that's basically what it sounds like. More lather than you can normally drum up with just a cream. It's done using both shaving soap *and* shaving cream. The soap is applied to the brush first, normally higher up on the bristles and closer to the knot, then you put your normal cream allotment into the mug and make lather as normal.
I tried this yesterday with a Palmolive shave stick soap and my new Nancy Boy Signature scent shaving cream. The results? Wow! I'm amazed at how much good lather I got going that route. It was phenomenal. Slick, protective... just a great shave. I have to also say that I'm thrilled with how much I like the Nancy Boy cream. I'm actually going to try my hand at making a couple cakes of shaving soap that are similar to the Nancy Boy formulation for their cream. (In terms of scent.) I've got a couple unscented cakes enroute from Classic Shaving and purchased the proper essential oils separately. I'm so excited to try it. If Palmolive/Nancy Boy yielded such great results, it only stands to reason that a soap scented similarly to Nancy Boy will be even better.
Obviously, I'll let you know how it goes. ;)
BTW, the Palmolive shave sticks are great. They have a... well, more soapy smell than the more expensive creams, but it's a nice, pleasant scent. They lather quite well, and generally do a good job. These are my first shave sticks, and I quite like them. One of the perks is that they seem like they'll last a while - which is great. They're also pretty cheap if you can find a good way to get them in bulk or shipped cheaply. If you're in Europe you can find them for around $1, which is phenomenal. Unfortunately, you do pay for the privilege of having them here. The cheapest I found them was on at 2 for $7. Not bad. But they charge more for shipping/handling there than the actual costs of the sticks which kinda sucks. Props to ma/pop businesses though, so I tip my hat to them. If you can find them cheaper elsewhere, let me know.
P.S. - Grr. I found that you can get 3 sticks shipped from the UK for just over $16 which is certainly a better deal per-stick. Buying these in bulk from the UK would definitely drive the costs down. Maybe a bulk buy? Anyone?
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